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Voxel formats

The vengi format is the best supported format. Saving into any other format might lose several details from your scene. This depends on the capabilities of the format and the completeness of the implementation for supporting that particular format.

Name Extension Loading Saving Thumbnails Palette Animations
AceOfSpades kv6 X X X
AceOfSpades vxl X X X
AnimaToon scn X X
aseprite aseprite X X
BenVoxel ben.json X X X
BinVox binvox X X
Build engine kvx X X X
Chronovox csm X
CubeWorld cub X X X
Cubzh 3zh X X X X
Cubzh World b64 X
Goxel gox X X X X
KenShape kenshape X X
MagicaVoxel vox X X X
Magicavoxel XRAW xraw X X X
Minecraft level dat dat X
Minecraft region mca X X
Minecraft schematic schematic X X
Minetest mts X X
Nicks Voxel Model nvm X
Particubes pcubes X X X X
Portable Network Graphics png X X
Qubicle Binary qb X X X
Qubicle Binary Tree qbt X X X
Qubicle Exchange qef X X
Qubicle Project qbcl X X X X Thing thing X X
Sandbox VoxEdit Block vxb X X X
Sandbox VoxEdit Collection vxc X X
Sandbox VoxEdit Hierarchy vxr X X X
Sandbox VoxEdit Model vxm X X X
Sandbox VoxEdit Tilemap vxt X
SLAB6 vox vox X X X
Sproxel csv csv X X X
StarMade Blueprint sment X X
StarMade Template smtpl X X X
Tiberian Sun vxl X X X X
Vengi vengi X X X X
Voxel3D v3a X X
VoxelBuilder vbx X
VoxelMax X X X

Mesh formats

Name Extension Loading Saving Animations
Autodesk 3D Studio 3ds X
Blockbench bbmodel X
FBX fbx X X
GL Transmission Format gltf X X X
Godot Scene escn X
Polygon File Format ply X X
Quake 1 bsp X
Quake 1 Model mdl X
Quake 2 Model md2 X
Quake Map map X
Standard Triangle Language stl X X
UFO:Alien Invasion bsp X
Wavefront Object obj X X

Point cloud support for ply and gtlf is implemented, too.


Name Extension Loading Saving
Adobe Swatch Exchange ase X X
CSV Palette csv X X
Gimp Palette gpl X X
JASC Palette pal X X
Paint.NET Palette txt X X
Photoshop Palette aco X X
Pixelorama json X X
Portable Network Graphics png X X
Qubicle Palette qsm X
RGB Palette pal X X
Tiberian Sun Palette vpl X

The gpl format also supports the Aseprite extension for alpha values


Name Extension
Bitmap bmp
DDS dds
Graphics Interchange Format gif
JPEG jpeg
Photoshop psd
PKM pkm
Portable Anymap pnm
Portable Network Graphics png
PVR pvr
Radiance rgbE hdr
Softimage PIC pic
Targa image file tga