Each color entry in the palette can have several material properties. Most of them are not handled in the vengi renderers, but can be useful when exporting the voxels to other formats.
The material support in vengi is modelled after magicavoxel.
The following material names are imported from magicavoxel and a few of them are exported to the GLTF-format.
Material name | GLTF mapping |
metal |
pbrMetallicRoughness |
roughness |
KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness, pbrMetallicRoughness |
specular |
KHR_materials_specular |
indexOfRefraction |
KHR_materials_ior |
attenuation |
KHR_materials_volume |
flux |
emit |
Emission texture |
lowDynamicRange |
density |
KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness |
sp |
glossiness |
KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness |
media |
You can also modify these values via scripting.
GLTF extensions
Some of the material properties are exported to GLTF 2.0 or some of the extensions: