A few of the features are:
- Layer and key frame animation support
- Viewport screenshots and AVI video recording
- Customizable UI
- Multiple viewports to view the model from all sides while editing it
- Multi monitor support
- LUA scripting api and built-in editor
- Undo/Redo
- Copy/Cut/Paste - paste to cursor or reference position
- Layer and scene graph support
- Custom color palettes with sorting and several color reduction algorithms
- Custom key bindings
- Import images as heightmaps, palettes or planes
- Import meshes and voxelize them - see supported formats
- Import whole folders of single models into one scene
- Exporting single models or whole scenes into meshes and a lot of other formats
- Voxelize true type font text
- Procedurally generated content like trees and a L-System integration
- Generate level of details (LOD) volumes
- Cropping volumes
- Online asset browsing for voxel repositories
- Presentation mode for e.g. kitbashing sets
- Several editing brushes are available
- Not only voxels but also named points are supported as scene graph nodes - for e.g. defining positions for characters to hold an item.
- Calculating normals for voxels (non-hollow models) is supported, too. This is useful for some games like Command & Conquer.
- View modes for animation, Command & Conquer or simple voxel editing
There are a lot more features to explore and this list is definitely not complete.