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Scripting api

There is a console command (called xs) in voxedit and a command line parameter in voxconvert to execute lua scripts for generating voxels. This command expects the lua script filename (.lua can be omitted) and the additional arguments for the main() method.

If you are new to lua you can read more about it on lua-users.


Calling xs <script> help (in the script console) will print the supported arguments for the given script file in voxedit.


./vengi-voxconvert --script "<script> help" --scriptcolor 1 --input in.qb --output out.qb

--scriptcolor defines the color palette index that is given to the script as parameter.

By default the script files will be searched in a scripts folder next to where the binary is located and in the usual search paths (see configuration for more details). You can also give the full path to the script file.

There are two functions in each script. One is called arguments and one main. arguments returns a list of parameters for the main function. The default parameters for main are node, region and color. color is the palette index starting from 0 (the selected color in the palette panel in voxedit or the specified color index in voxconvert as given by --scriptcolor).

So the first few parameters are the same for each script call. And the script defines any additional parameter for the main function by returing values in the arguments function.


Without parameters

function main(node, region, color)
    local volume = node:volume()
    local mins = region:mins()
    local maxs = region:maxs()
    for x = mins.x, maxs.x do
        for y = mins.y, maxs.y do
            for z = mins.z, maxs.z do
                volume:setVoxel(x, y, z, color)

Execute this via console xs scriptfile

With one parameter

function arguments()
    return {
        { name = 'n', desc = 'height level delta', type = 'int', default = '2' }

function main(node, region, color, n)

Execute this via console xs scriptfile 1 where 1 will be the value of n. Omitting the 1 will add the default value from the argument list.

Download a file and import it

local function basename(str)
    local name = string.gsub(str, "(.*/)(.*)", "%2")
    return name

function main(_, _, _)
    local url = ""
    local filename = basename(url)
    local stream = g_http.get(url)
    g_import.scene(filename, stream)

Find the best palette match

function main(node, region, color)
    -- find match (palette index) for red in the current palette (RGB value)
    -- this value can be used in e.g. volume:setVoxel(x, y, z, match)
    local match = node:palette():match(255, 0, 0)

This will find the best match in the currently used palette and return the index.


Supported types are:

  • int: min, max values are supported, too

  • float: min, max values are supported, too

  • enum: enum as a property specifies a list of string separated by ,

  • str: string input

  • colorindex: a color index from current palette (clamped)

  • bool:

The description field is just for the user interface of the script parameter list.

A default value can get set, too.

The order in the arguments table defines the order in which the arguments are passed over to the script.


g_scenegraph lets you access different nodes or create new ones.

The functions are:

  • align(): Allow to align all nodes on the floor next to each other without overlapping.

  • new(name, [region], [visible], [type=group]): Creates a new node with the given name, the size and position according to the region and an optional visible parameter. If region is given a model is created - otherwise a group node. Valid values for type are group, point and camera (the default is group).

  • get([nodeId]): Returns the node for the given nodeId - if the nodeId is not given, it will return the current active node. Which by default is the node for the volume the script is currently executed for.

  • getByName(name): Returns nil if no node with the given name exists

  • getByUUID(uuid): Returns nil if no node with the given uuid exists

  • activeAnimation(): Return the current active animation

  • setAnimation(string): Activate the animation

  • addAnimation(string): Add a new animation

  • duplicateAnimation(animation, newAnimationName): Add a new animation by duplicating the given animation

  • hasAnimation(string): Check if the animation exists

  • nodeIds(): Returns a table with all node ids of the current scene graph.

local allNodeIds = g_scenegraph.nodeIds()
for i, nodeId in ipairs(allNodeIds) do
  -- Do something with each nodeId
  • updateTransforms(): Update the key frame transforms when they are dirty after changing values (see Keyframe)


  • addAnimation(string): Add a new animation

  • addKeyFrame(frame): Add a new key frame for frame number and return it. E.g. addFrame(20) will add a new key frame for the frame 20.

  • hasKeyFrameForFrame(frame):

  • id(): Returns the id of the current node

  • clone(): Clones the current node

  • uuid(): Returns the uuid of the current node

  • isCamera(): Returns true if the node is a camera node

  • isGroup(): Returns true if the node is a group node

  • isModel(): Returns true if the node is a model node (it has a volume attached)

  • isPoint(): Returns true if the node is a point node

  • isReference(): Returns true if the node is a model reference

  • keyFrame(keyFrameIdx): Returns an existing keyframe (see below)

  • keyFrameForFrame(frame): Returns an existing keyframe that has a frame number <= the given frame

  • name(): Returns the current name of the node.

  • setName(string): Set the name of the node.

  • palette(): Returns the current palette of the node.

  • parent(): Returns the id of the parent node - or -1 if no parent exists (root node)

  • removeKeyFrameForFrame(frame): Remove the keyframe for the given frame. Throws an error if no key frame with the given frame exists.

  • removeKeyFrame(keyFrameIdx): Remove the existing key frame at the given index. Throws an error if the index is invalid or the key frame doesn't exist.

  • setPalette(palette, [remap]): Change the palette or if remap is given and is true it remaps to the new palette

  • setPivot(vec3), setPivot(x, y, z):

  • volume(): Gives you access to the volume of a model node.

Access these functions like this:

local scenegraphnode = [...]
local name = scenegraphnode:name()


Valid interpolation strings

  • Instant
  • Linear
  • QuadEaseIn
  • QuadEaseOut
  • QuadEaseInOut
  • CubicEaseIn
  • CubicEaseOut
  • CubicEaseInOut
  • index(): Returns the key frame index

  • frame(): Returns the frame for this key frame object

  • interpolation(): Returns interpolation string

  • setInterpolation(string): Set the interpolation for this key frame - must be a valid string

  • localScale(): Returns the local scale vector

  • setLocalScale(vec3), setLocalScale(x, y, z):

  • localOrientation(): Returns a quaternion object

  • setLocalOrientation(quat), setLocalOrientation(x, y, z, w):

  • localTranslation(): Returns a vec3 object

  • setLocalTranslation(vec3), setLocalTranslation(x, y, z):

  • worldScale(): Returns a vec3 object

  • setWorldScale(vec3), setWorldScale(x, y, z):

  • worldOrientation(): Returns a quaternion object

  • setWorldOrientation(quat), setWorldOrientation(x, y, z, w):

  • worldTranslation(): Returns a vec3 object

  • setWorldTranslation(vec3), setWorldTranslation(x, y, z):

NOTE After you've modified something on a key frame, you have to call g_scenegraph.updateTransforms()!

Palette and material

The node palette (node:palette()) has several methods to work with colors. E.g. to find a closest possible match for the given palette index.

The functions are:

  • color(paletteIndex): Pushes the vec4 of the color behind the palette index (0-255) as float values between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • colorString(paletteIndex): Return a color string for logging to the console (includes ansi color escape sequences).

  • rgba(paletteIndex): Pushes the four values of the color behind the palette index (0-255).

  • colors(): Returns the palette RGBA colors as vec4 values between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • load(palette): Allows to load a built-in palette or a filename to a supported palette format.

  • material(paletteIndex, material): Get the value of the material property for the given palette index.

    Valid material names

  • match(r, g, b, [skipIndex]): Returns the closest possible palette color match for the given RGB (0-255) color. The returned palette index is in the range 0-255. This value can then be used for the setVoxel method. skipIndex is not taken into account when doing the search.

  • setColor(paletteIndex, red, green, blue, [alpha]): Change the color of a palette entry to the given rgba values in the range [0-255].

  • setMaterial(paletteIndex, material, value): Set the value of the material property for the given palette index.

    Valid material names

  • similar(paletteindex, [coloramount]): Return a table with similar colors given by their palette index.

They are available as e.g. palette:color([...]), palette:match([...]) and so on.

You can create new palettes with the g_palette global by calling e.g.

local pal =


The global g_noise supports a few noise generators:

  • noise2(v), noise3(v), noise4(v): Simplex noise. Uses the given vec2, vec3 or vec4 and returns a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • fBm2(v, octaves, lacunarity, gain), fBm3(v, octaves, lacunarity, gain), fBm4(v, octaves, lacunarity, gain): Simplex noise fractal brownian motion sum. Uses the given vec2, vec3 or vec4 and returns a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • ridgedMF2(v, offset, octaves, lacunarity, gain), ridgedMF3(v, offset, octaves, lacunarity, gain), ridgedMF4(v, offset, octaves, lacunarity, gain): Simplex ridged multi-fractal noise sum. Uses the given vec2, vec3 or vec4 and returns a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • swissTurbulence(vec2, offset, octaves, lacunarity, gain, warp): blog post

  • voronoi(vec3, [frequency, seed, enableDistance]): Voronoi noise.

  • worley2(v), worley3(v): Simplex cellular/worley noise. Uses the given vec2 or vec3 and returns a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.

They are available as e.g. g_noise.noise2([...]), g_noise.fBm3([...]) and so on.


The global g_shape supports a few shape generators:

  • cylinder(centerBottom, axis, radius, height, voxel): Create a cylinder at the given position. The position is the center of the bottom plate with the given axis (y is default) as the direction.

  • torus(center, minorRadius, majorRadius, voxel): Create a torus at the given position with the position being the center of the object.

  • ellipse(centerBottom, axis, width, height, depth, voxel): Create an ellipse at the given position. The position is the center of the bottom plate with the given axis (y is default) as the direction.

  • dome(centerBottom, axis, negative, width, height, depth, voxel): Create a dome at the given position. The position is the center of the bottom plate with the given axis (y is default) as the direction. negative: if true the dome will be placed in the negative direction of the axis.

  • cone(centerBottom, axis, negative, width, height, depth, voxel): Create a cone at the given position. The position is the center of the bottom plate with the given axis (y is default) as the direction. negative: if true the cone will be placed in the negative direction of the axis.

  • line(start, end, voxel): Create a line.

  • cube(position, width, height, depth, voxel): Create a cube with the given dimensions. The position is the lower left corner.

  • bezier(start, end, control, voxel): Create a bezier curve with the given start, end and control point

They are available as e.g. g_shape.line([...]), g_shape.ellipse([...]) and so on.


  • contains(region): Check whether the current region contains the given one. The test is inclusive such that a region is considered to be inside of itself.

  • intersects(region): Check whether the current region intersects with the given one.

  • mins(): The lower boundary of the region (inclusive).

  • maxs(): The upper boundary of the region (inclusive).

  • size(): The size of the region in voxels (ivec3).

  • setMins(mins): The lower boundary of the region - given as ivec3 (atm only available for palettes created with new).

  • setMaxs(maxs): The upper boundary of the region - given as ivec3 (atm only available for palettes created with new).

  • isOnBorder(pos): Checks whether the given ivec3 is located on the border of the region.

  • x(): The lower x boundary of the region.

  • y(): The lower y boundary of the region.

  • z(): The lower z bounary of the region.

  • width(): The width of the region measured in voxels.

  • height(): The height of the region measured in voxels.

  • depth(): The depth of the region measured in voxels.

Access these functions like this:

local region = [...]
local mins = region:mins()

To create new regions, you can use the function which needs the lower and upper boundaries. For example

local myregion =, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) -- creates a region with 8 voxels
local myregion =, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- creates a region with 1 voxels


  • voxel(x, y, z): Returns the palette index of the voxel at the given position in the volume [0-255]. Or -1 if there is no voxel.

  • region(): Return the region of the volume.

  • text(ttffont, text, [x], [y], [z], [size=16], [thickness=1], [spacing=0]): Renders the given text. x, y, and z are the region lower boundary coordinates by default.

  • fillHollow([color]): Tries to fill all hollows in the volume.

  • hollow(): Removes non visible voxels.

  • importHeightmap(filename, [underground], [surface]): Imports the given image as heightmap into the current volume. Use the underground and surface voxel colors for this (or pick some defaults if they were not specified). Also see importColoredHeightmap if you want to colorize your surface.

  • importColoredHeightmap(filename, [underground]): Imports the given image as heightmap into the current volume. Use the underground voxel colors for this and determine the surface colors from the RGB channel of the given image. Other than with importHeightmap the height is encoded in the alpha channel with this method.

  • importImageAsVolume(filename, [filename_depthmap], [palette], [depth], [bothsides]): Imports the given image as volume with the depth values read from the given depth map image file. If no filename_depthmap is given we are looking for the the same filename as given via filename but with a -dm as postfix. Example: filename is foo.png - then the default filename_depthmap is foo-dm.png.

  • crop(): Crop the volume and remove empty spaces.

  • mirrorAxis([axis]): Mirror along the given axis - y is default.

  • move(x, [y], [z]): Move the voxels by the given units without modifying the boundaries of the volume.

  • rotateAxis([axis]): Rotate along the given axis - y is default.

  • translate(x, [y, z]): Translates the region of the volume. Keep in mind that this is not supported by every output format.

  • resize(x, [y, z, extendMins]): Resize the volume by the given sizes. If extendsMins is true the region dimensions are also increased on the lower corner.

  • setVoxel(x, y, z, color): Set the given color at the given coordinates in the volume. color must be in the range [0-255] or -1 to delete the voxel.

Access these functions like this:

local volume = [...]
local region = volume:region()


Available vector types are vec2, vec3, vec4 and their integer types ivec2, ivec3, ivec4.

Access these functions like this:

local v1 =, 1, 1)

There are 3 possible components for this vector. You can also call to fill all three values with a one. Or call it like this:, 2) to create a vector with the three components of 1, 2, 2.


For creating quaternions, you can use

  • rotateXYZ(x, y, z): Rotates the object along the X, Y, and Z axes by the specified angles.

  • rotateXY(x, y)

  • rotateYZ(y, z)

  • rotateXZ(x, z)

  • rotateX(x): Rotates the object along the X axis by the specified angle.

  • rotateY(y): Rotates the object along the Y axis by the specified angle.

  • rotateZ(z): Rotates the object along the Z axis by the specified angle.


You can perform http requests from within the lua script to query apis or download files

local stream, responseHeaders = g_http.get("https://example.localhost")
local str = stream:readString()
for k, v in pairs(responseHeaders) do
    print("key: " .. k .. ", value: " .. v)
local requestHeaders = {}
local stream, responseHeaders = g_http.get("https://example.localhost", requestHeaders)
local body = "my body"
local stream, responseHeaders ="https://example.localhost", body)
local str = stream:readString()
for k, v in pairs(responseHeaders) do
    print("key: " .. k .. ", value: " .. v)
  • post(url, body, headers: Execute a post request

  • get(url, headers): Execute a get request


g_import is a global that offers the ability to load images and palettes or imports scene graphs/formats from e.g. http downloads.

  • image(filename, stream): Returns an image that was loaded.

  • palette(filename, stream): Returns a palette that was loaded.

  • scene(filename, stream): Imports the scene from the given stream into the existing scene (g_scenegraph).

  • imageAsPlane(filename, image): Imports the given image as plane into the current scene graph and returns the node.


Images are loaded by the g_import global.

  • name(): Returns the name of the image

  • save(filename): Save the image as file (png and jpeg)


When using e.g. the g_http requests, you get stream objects as return values.

  • readString([0-terminated:false]): Reads a string from the stream. If the optional parameter 0-terminated is set to true, it reads until a null character is encountered otherwise it will read the whole stream as a string.

  • readUInt8(): Reads an unsigned 8-bit integer from the stream.

  • readInt8(): Reads a signed 8-bit integer from the stream.

  • readUInt16(): Reads an unsigned 16-bit integer from the stream.

  • readInt16(): Reads a signed 16-bit integer from the stream.

  • readUInt32(): Reads an unsigned 32-bit integer from the stream.

  • readInt32(): Reads a signed 32-bit integer from the stream.

  • readUInt64(): Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer from the stream.

  • readInt64(): Reads a signed 64-bit integer from the stream.

  • readFloat(): Reads a 32-bit floating-point number from the stream.

  • readDouble(): Reads a 64-bit floating-point number from the stream.

  • writeString(str, [0-terminated:false]): Writes a string to the stream. If the optional parameter 0-terminated is set to true, it writes a null character at the end of the string.

  • writeUInt8(value): Writes an unsigned 8-bit integer to the stream.

  • writeInt8(value): Writes a signed 8-bit integer to the stream.

  • writeUInt16(value): Writes an unsigned 16-bit integer to the stream.

  • writeInt16(value): Writes a signed 16-bit integer to the stream.

  • writeUInt32(value): Writes an unsigned 32-bit integer to the stream.

  • writeInt32(value): Writes a signed 32-bit integer to the stream.

  • writeUInt64(value): Writes an unsigned 64-bit integer to the stream.

  • writeInt64(value): Writes a signed 64-bit integer to the stream.

  • writeFloat(value): Writes a 32-bit floating-point number to the stream.

  • writeDouble(value): Writes a 64-bit floating-point number to the stream.

  • writeStream(stream): Write the data of the given stream to the current stream.

  • eos(): returns whether the stream has reached its end

  • seek(offset, mode): change the position in the stream

  • tell(): returns the current position in the stream

  • pos(): alias for tell()

  • close(): close the stream and garbage collect (also closes the file - important on windows if you are going to continue to use the same file again)

  • size(): returns the size of the stream


g_io can open files for reading and writing and will return a stream instance.

  • sysopen(path, mode): Can be used to open either an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory. Modes are r and w

  • open(path, mode): Will open the file in the home path of the user to read and write files. Modes are r and w

  • create(name, value, help = nil, nopersist = false, secret = false): Create a new cvar that is persisted by default.

  • str(): Returns the string value of the cvar

  • bool(): Returns the bool value of the cvar

  • int(): Returns the int value of the cvar

  • float(): Returns the float values of the cvar

  • setStr(value: string): Sets the string value of the cvar

  • setBool(value: bool): Sets the bool value of the cvar

  • setInt(value: number): Sets the int value of the cvar

  • setFloat(value: number): Sets the float values of the cvar

To get a full list of cvars use the console command cvarlist.


g_cmd.execute("echo test")
  • execute(cmdline: string): Execute any of the known commands

To get a full list of commands use the console command cmdlist.


To use the built-in logging facilities use g_log with info, debug, warn and error


The system module is available with g_sys - and includes the following functions

  • sleep(ms): Sleep the given milliseconds

Other useful information

  • y going upwards - see basics for further details.

Available scripts


Add animations to an existing model if you name the nodes properly.

xs animate.lua


Generates a new voxel on top of others with the current selected color and the specified height.


xs cover.lua 1


Generate grass on top of voxels.


xs grass.lua


Generates a grid with given color, thickness and size.


xs grid.lua 1 1 5 5 5


Generates perlin noise with the frequency and amplitude as parameters with the current selected color.


xs noise.lua 0.3 1.0


Generates a pyramid with the current selected color and with each level being 3 voxels high.


xs pyramid.lua 3


Thickens the voxel - take 1 voxel and convert to 8 voxels (creates a new node for the result).

thickenbefore thickenafter

xs thicken.lua 1


There are other scripts available in the repository.

Available modules


This module is here to ease the process of visiting all the voxels in a volume

Keep in mind the -1 is an empty voxel

local vol = require "modules.volume"

function main(node, region, color, emptycnt, octaves, lacunarity, gain, threshold)
    local visitor = function (volume, x, y, z)
        local color = volume:voxel(x, y, z)
        if color == -1 then
            -- empty voxel
            -- solid voxel

    local condition = function (volume, x, y, z)
        -- add your checks here
        return true
    vol.conditionYXZ(node:volume(), region, visitor, condition)